About us

Turning the weakness of EACH into the strengths of ALL

The Mediterranean Basin is one of the most exposed to environmental hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires or droughts, affecting most sectors and ecosystems: water, food, health and security.
At present, the basin is in a state of constant change, deeply affected by human activities, uncontrolled land and sea use, urbanisation, rapid industrial development and one of the world's busiest shipping routes, all of which point to significant and increasing risks in the coming decades. To meet these challenges, today more than ever, our interconnected world needs to build bridges that can help us to find workable solutions together that leave no one behind. Higher education and its links to research and innovation play a crucial role in individual and societal progress, and in providing the highly skilled human capital that Europe and neighbouring countries need to create jobs, improve the quality of live and move towards a sustainable development. 
What does MediCoRe aim to achieve?

The general objective of the MediCoRe initiative is to establish the consolidated MediCoRe partnership between Mediterranean Institutions named the “Mediterranean Community Resilience”, coordinated by POLIBA-DICATECh, promoting:

  • Research cooperation,
  • Exchanges of students, researchers, and teachers,
  • Development of new joint educational activities (i.e., master’s degrees, summer schools, etc.)
  • Technological transfer initiatives

in different scientific areas including, but not limited to, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Building Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Engineering Geology, Geotechnics, Hydraulics and Chemistry.

The long term vision of the MediCoRe Network is to work for future Mediterranean students  and researchers, enabling them to be the protagonist of a wider process of progressive and continuous growth of the socio-economic and environmental awareness of Mediterranean decisionmakers, providing them with high competences and knowledge to better manage the territory and the economy, orienting them towards strategic choices of intelligent and sustainable development in an ecological vision rooted in the paradigm of circular management of Mediterranean resources.

MediCoRe will thus intercept the innovative training needs of Mediterranean students in different engineering fields and will become a dynamic environment and an accelerator of qualified training offer through the exploitation and sharing of resources, laboratories, training spaces and research tools with a new cooperative and interdisciplinary approach.

Who are the management bodies of the MediCoRe initiative?

MediCoRe initiative is managed by two governing bodies: the General Assembly (GA), the Steering Committee (SC) and the Coordinator (CO).
The General Assembly will be the main decision body of MediCoRe. It will be composed of a representative from each Party. It will gather once a year (in person or online). The General Assembly will assess the progress of the cooperation and achievements undertaken under the agreement and will define the main strategic directions for the activities to be carried out on a yearly basis.

The Steering Committee will be the executive body of MediCoRe. It will be composed by five members, namely, the Coordinator and four members appointed by the General Assembly. It is appointed for a period of five years. It will support the Coordinator in the management of the network, will monitor the progress of the cooperation and achievements and will decide upon the admission requests of new Institutions after consultation with GA.

The MediCoRe Coordinator will be a delegated person from POLIBA-DICATECh. The Coordinator will act as program secretariat with executive management responsibilities. The Coordinator will sign the MoU addendum for the adhesion of new Parties on behalf of the MediCoRe network, in accordance with the decision of the Steering Committee.

How are MediCoRe initiatives funded?

The initiative will be financed by different ways:

  1. Public funding (national, regional, European and international open calls, agreements with public authorities)
  2. Private funding (companies and/or institutions that finance the research initiatives)
  3. Universities’ own resources (such as funds for summer schools, etc.)